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214 Vista Bella Dr.

  • Karen-Cozza-Gallery-Photo
  • Karren Cozza Rock Garden
    Selecting plants based on the climate of the area is essential to a healthy garden. Here Karen chose plants that are well adapted to full sun.
  • Karen Cozza Gallery Photo
    Karen uses drought-tolerant California native plants and Mediterranean plants ideal for the Santa Cruz coastal climate.
  • Karen Cozza Mulch and Maples
    Karen benefits from having her garden situated in a redwood grove. The trees provide a constant supply of additional mulch, shade the soil to increase water retention, and house beneficial predators and pollinators.
  • Karren Cozza Fern Garden copy
    In the backyard, Karen grows a variety of ferns which are well adapted to lower canopy of the redwood forest.

Santa Cruz High School Garden

  • Gallery-Photo
  • Rainwater Feature
    The garden harvests rainwater which is later used by the students to help water their vegetable garden. Growing food can use a lot of water, so harvesting stormwater helps to build a more water resilient community.
  • MBFL Sign
  • GSE sign
    Global Student Embassy teaches the students of Santa Cruz High important ecological practices like composting, cover cropping, and cultivating the soil.
  • Gallery Photo
    Students are able to grow food in raised beds separated by mulched paths.
  • Mulch and Raised Bed
    Located behind the school's athletic fields, the garden gives students a place to meet and work together around the common goal of good land stewardship.
  • Planter Box
    The garden frequently experiences damages from pesty moles. One way to work around this issue is to build planter boxes.

Natural History Museum

  • Native-Creek
  • Path&native_flower
    Just behind Sea Bright Beach, visitors can explore the native habitat restored with help from the Earth Steward's program.
  • Restoration Creek
    Pink flags are used to help staff and volunteers identify and preserve native plants for their educational programs.
  • Side view of Landscape
    The museum uses native grasses along with mulched paths to help water infiltrate into the soil.
  • Water_feature
    The Natural History Museum has two rain barrels located on either side of the building to help catch rainwater and irrigate the surrounding vegetation.

Stratton Residence

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    Proud member of the Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping Program.
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    Drought tolerant landscape design.
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    Summer-dry landscaping.
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    Installing sensor for the weather based irrigation controller.
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    1017 square feet of lawn before the Monterey Bay Friendly re-design.
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    Front view before the Monterey Bay Friendly re-design.
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    Creating compost in this tumbler to provide garden with rich nutrients.