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Redwood Forest Garden Plant Options


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Large Shrubs or Small Trees (more than 10’ tall and wide)

Acer circinatum - vine maple

Cornus nuttallii - flowering dogwood

Myrica californica – Pacific wax myrtle

Rhododendron occidentale – western azalea or other cultivars



Medium Size Shrubs (4-8’ tall)

Woodwardia fimbriata – giant chain fern, 4-6’ x 4’

Ribes viburnifolium - evergreen currant, 3-6’ x 4-12’

Ribes sanguineum – pink flowering current, 5-12’ x 5-12’

Vaccinium ovatum - huckleberry


Small Shrubs (2-4’ tall)

Mahonia repens, or Berberis aquifolium 'Compacta' - barberry, compact Oregon grape, 2’ x 3-5’

Correa pulchella spp. – Australian fuschia (NOT NATIVE), 2-3’ x 4-5’

Rosa gymnocarpa – wood rose, 3-4’ x 3-4’


Perennials (choose two or more)

Polystichtum munitum – western sword fern, 3-5’ x 3-4’

Aquilegia formosa - Western Columbine, 1-2’ x 1’

Dicentra formosa - Western Bleeding Heart, 1-2’ x 1’

Heuchera spp. – coral bells 1-2’ x 3-4’

Sisyrinchium bellum - blue-eyed grass, 6-12” x 6’18”

Helleborus spp. – Hellebore (NOT NATIVE)


Grasses and Groundcover (less than 1-2’ and spreading)

Festuca idahoensis ‘Tomales Bay’

Juncus patens - gray rush

Festuca occidentais – western fescue, 1-2’ x 1-2’

Asarum caudatum – Wild Ginger

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi or edmundsii - manzanita

Geranium canabrigiense spp. – Cranesbill (NOT NATIVE)

Oxalis oregano – Redwood Sorrel