Large Shrubs or Small Trees (more than 10’ tall and wide)
Ceanothus spp. – California lilac
Arctostaphylos spp. - manzanita
Fremontodendron spp. - flannelbush
Rhamnus californica – coffee berry
Dendromecon rigida or harfordii – bush poppy
Romneya coulteri – matilija poppy
Medium Size Shrubs (4-8’ tall)
Erigonum giganteum – St Catherine’s lace, 4-6’ (h) x 4-8’ (w)
Salvia clevelandii – Cleveland sage, 3-5’ (h) x 3-5’ (w)
Arctostaphylos pajaroensis, Pajaro manzanita, 4-8’ x 10’
Salvia microphylla spp. – Sage, various (NON NATIVE)
Grevillea lanigera - wooly grevillea, 3-6’ (h) x 6-10’ (w) (NON NATIVE)
Grevillea rosemarinifolia – rosemary grevelia
Rhamnus californica ‘Eve Case’, 4-8 x 4-8’
Small Shrubs (2-4’ tall)
Artemisia pycnocephala – sandhill sage, 2’ x 3’
Mimulus aurantiacus – sticky monkeyflower, 3-4’ x 3-4’
Santolina chamaecyparissus - gray lavender cotton (NOT NATIVE)
Salvia chamaedroides – Germander Sage (NOT NATIVE)
Rosmarinus, officinalis, ‘Prostratus’ – (NOT NATIVE), 2’ x 4-8’
Helianthemum spp (NON NATIVE)
Perennials & Grasses (choose 2-3)
Penstemon heterophyllus - blue foothill penstemon, 1-2’ x 2-3’
Epilobium californica - California fuchsia, 1-2’ x 4’
Helictotrichon sempervirens – blue oat grass (non-native)
Erigeron glaucus – Seaside daisy
Armeria maritima – thrift, sea pink
Aster chilensis - California aster
Eriogonum grande var. rubescens - rosy buckwheat
Groundcover (less than 2’ and spreading 2-4’)
Salvia sonomensis - Sonoma sage
Baccharis pilularis ‘Twin Peaks’ or ‘Pigeon Point’– dwarf coyote brush
Achillea millefolium – California yarrow
Festuca idahoensis, rubra, or californica – fescue
Dudleya spp.- dudleya
Annuals (to fill in space while landscape matures)
Eschscholzia californica – California poppy