Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping Resources
Water Wise Gardening in Monterey County
Look up water-wise plants for Monterey County. This online resource produced by the Water Awareness Committee of Monterey County provides plant…
Waterwise Gardening in Santa Cruz County
Look up water wise plants for Santa Cruz County. This online resource produced by the Santa Cruz County Water Conservation…
Slow it. Sink it. Spread it.
Learn about practical and eco-friendly ways to manage stormwater run-off by downloading the Slow it. Spread it. Sink it! guide, produced by…

Rainwater Harvesting
Learn how to use rainwater for landscape irrigation, toilet flushing and clothes washing.

Greywater Irrigation
Learn to use greywater from your laundry machine, shower, or bathroom sink to irrigate medium and high water use plants.

Lose Your Lawn
Learn about practical strategies to replace your lawn with water-wise landscaping.